Saturday, May 19, 2007


Gabriela has been sleeping through the night now since the 12th of may. She has symptoms of teething and it's bugging her bad. She has been fussy the past few days now. I gave her a bath tonight and she started kicking her legs and splashing then she would stop and look at me and smile and do it again. I think I taught her that the other night when I gave her a bath because I wanted her to learn how to do something other than just lay there, so I took her arms and legs and started wiggling them and making her splash and then today she did it on her own. She also has been doing weird things. I swear baby's can still see angels. My daughter will stare into space and start laughing and smiling and then reach her hands up and opening and closing her hands like she is trying to grab something. It really freaks me out. I know that her nanny is always with her, but i dont like that she is reaching in to thin air and smiling and laughing. Well, I'll be in Houston and Missourri for the next week at least, hopefully a little longer. I need the help...I need the sleep and I know that at least there I will get help long enough to take a nap with out and grief from anyone.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Life can be so unfair

So, since March of 2006 there has been 4 people in our family that has passed away. In march my husbands grandpa on his dad's side passed then a couple months later his grandma on his step-dad's side passed, then in October, my grandpa on my step dad's side (who meant the world to me and more) passed away and just 2 n a half weeks ago my husbands nanny passed away. We were both really close to her along with our kids so that was a very hard death and funeral. 36 hours after her funeral jeremy's great aunt passed away. Life is so unfair sometimes. i dont understand why this is all happening to us. Please keep us in ur prayers. we cannot handle any more traumas right now.


So my daughter is now 2 months and 1 week and 2 days old. She is sleeping through the night now. usually from about 11 to 7. I'm so excited. I'm actually getting sleep now. WooHoo!!! She is drinking anywhere from 5-6 ounces of formula now too. She still spits up a lot. The doctor gave me zantac to give her 3 times a day 20 minutes before a bottle but it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference yet. My step mom said that Ellie (my youngest sister) use to spit up a lot and the doctor told her to try sitting her straight up when feeding her, and after feeding her and sometimes that helps other times it doesn't. So, I dont know what to do. My baby loves outdoors and loves to play. Even though she's only 2 months she still loves to play...but not with toys with me. I now get a smile from her everytime I talk to her. It's the best feeling in the world. I have been a mother now for 3 years but this mothers day was the most special one because it was my first mothers day with my own child. Even though I soent mothers day with my husbands grandpa because I had to drive to Houston to drop the other kiddos off it was still very special. When I got home at 10 pm my husband went and got me 3 roses. One from each kid. It was the best gift in the world. I never understood why my mom said the bond between her and me and my brother was different than between my step siblings and her. Now I understand. I love my kids very much. All 3 of them...but I have a stronger bond with my daughter. Mainly because I carried her for 9 months and gave birth to her and I spend every minute of every day with her. My husband knows this bond is different but he will never completely understand because he does not have step kids. I dont treat my kids any differently I dont think. I do spend more time with Gabriela though, but mainly because i have her 24/7. Gabriela is a big time momma's girl right now. She wants me all the time and it doesn't matter who has her if she knows I'm not around she will start freaking out and crying. My daughter has learned to throw a fit. She starts screaming and crying if we take her bottle away to burp her or wipe her mouth. It's actually kind of funny. Gabriela holds her head up pretty good now. I took her to the park with the other kids and I Put her in the baby swing and she loved it. She smiled the entire time and sat there bobbing her head like she was trying to swing herself with her head. To finish this up, I will tell you that my daughter is 11 lbs 11 oz and 22 inches. She was born 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 inches. So she is getting very big and fast.

My Story

Hi my name is Amber. Im almost 21 and I have 3 beautiful children. 2 of them are step kids. Cayden is my oldest and he is almost 6. Adley is my middle daughter and she is almost 4. my youngest is Gabriela and she is 2 months and a week. I am married to a wonderful man named Jeremy. I met him in 2004 on a greyhound bus headed from South Carolina to Kenosha Wi where i was going to see my friends. He called me when I returned at my job in August and we started dating August 16th 2004. We moved in together October 6th 2004 and on October 26th 2004 found out I was pregnant. We then moved from South Carolina to Texas where we reside now. I lost my baby due to miscarraige January of 2005. In may of 2006 my brother and his girlfriend had a beautiful baby girl...and in July of 2006 i found out i was pregnant agian. Everyone says being pregnant was the best feeling in the world but I hated it. I was miserable my entire pregnancy. i was hospitalized for morning sickness. Then I got sciatica which I cant really explain what it is all I can say is that my back, butt and legs were constantly sore. March finally came (my due date was march 11th 2007) and March 4th I started having contractions and what do you know I was in early labor. My contractions were 5 minutes apart but were not strong enough to dialate me. I was sent home to wait it out till my doc appointment on the 5th. well that came and doc said to return to hospital if contractions were the same or worse on tuesday. So the 6th i returned to the hospital and skipping all the details i had her at 548 pm. so thats my story. well the shortest version of it. lol.