Wednesday, June 20, 2007


i did a ton of other pages too. some i did journaling on, others i didnt. i just recently started doing journaling for all my pages so my older ones are just pictures with names underneath them. here are some of the pages i have done.....ill post more they only allow me to post 5 images per blog....but these images are some of my best work i think....Tunnel of love is my 3 kids at the park for Gabriela's first time, Daddy's love is like my Loving mother is a tribute page to my daddy telling him how i love him, honor and cherish him just like i do my mommy. Footsteps to my heart is about Gabriela, we got the little ink pads from the hospital that they use to get the baby's footprint so i inked up her foot...and that little heart is what they put on her to monitor her heart(i think that is what its for). IN the mood for food is the first time she ate any kind of solid food from a spoon. Now she is starting to eat like a pro...and Monkeying around is what i did the day my birthday box came from my mom and inside was this monkey for Gabriela, all 3 of my kids have one now. The monkey is as big as She fought with it too....she was kicking it and pushing it off was hilarious...i wish i had a video camera to record it. My mom would have loved it. I have done a ton more pages, i have a site on that i can give you to go look at them, plus all my pics are on Go take a look at the rest....they get better the newer they are....
I love to Scrapbook now. I drive my husband nuts with it but oh well he he. I have so many cool supplies and paper...and i can get really creative when im not being bothered. I try to only scrap when ppl are sleeping in my house...especially Gaby because she can be so demanding...I am suppose to go see my mom in September...i can hardly wait...i am super excited. i hope i get to go to on of her crops and actually meet the girls that i chat with on the website. they all seem really nice....Plus i love to scrap so i most def. would love to go! Let me know what you think of these pages...are they good? do i need to improve on something?

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