Tuesday, June 19, 2007

stupid ac...stupid texas

ok so the guy came to look at the ac...the compressor is stuck and something is all burned up...broken real good....ugh!!! lol!so he called my landlord and told them that they have to replace the out side unit and the inside coil a whopping 2500 but he recommended replacing the whole thing...4000 dollars give or take...holy shit...glad im renting right now...im not ever buying a house if it doesnt have a new ac....to freakin expensive for me...well anyways...he called me back and said he got a hold of my landlord and they gave him the ok to replace the whole thing....woohoo good news...well here is thebad news...they cant have it completed until fricken Sunday...they cant even start until saturday...and its fricken 97 degrees today...stupid texas...has to be one of the hottest days when i cant run my ac. so im hibernating in my bedroom with a window unit, 2 fans and a ceiling fan...its actually chilly in here...but the rest of the house is a fricken oven...but the guy is lending us 3 window units...but we have to install them ourselves so i dont know when they will be installed. jeremy isnt back from louisiana yet and he heard he has to fly back to new orleans tomorrow to pick up the crane truck or something like that...grr...well i have one girl that said she will bare the heat and come to my house to scrap book but have not heard from the rest...well see how it goes...oh and mom i just wanted to tell you thank you for everything u have done for me...and that i am the mother that i am because of you....you have taught me everything i know and have showed me how to be the best mother....i love you so much and i have the utmost respect for you....even tho i get angry sometimes...i will always love you and respect you!!! thank you for being the best mommy! i love you very much!

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